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dash-javascript makes it easy to fetch recent data from your applications using the FiveRuns Dash service for use on web pages. You can choose the granularity of data you’d like; 1 hour, 12 hours, 24 hours, etc.

The current version of dash-javascript is 0.6.0.


jQuery >= 1.3.1 (may work with jQuery 1.2.6)


For the impatient:

Fetching the most recent value for the cpu metric:

<div id="demo0">
  Latest CPU value: 
$('#demo0').dash({fetch: 'latest', token: token, metric: 'cpu'},
  function(value) {
Latest CPU value:

Fetching a data series:

<div id="demo1">
  Recent CPU values:
$('#demo1').dash({fetch: 'series', token: token, metric: 'cpu'},
  function(values) {
Recent CPU values:

Fetching metadata and metric data:

$('#demo2').dash({fetch: 'all', token: token, metric: 'cpu'},
  function(obj) {
    $(this).children('h4').replaceWith("<h4>" + obj.metric + " from " + + "</h4>");
    $(this).children('.values').append("Most recent value: " +[0][1]);
<div id="demo2">
  <p class="values"></p>


Dash options

The dash method takes a parameters object and a callback function. The value of the fetch key determines the data that is returned to your callback function.

fetch option Callback arguments
latest The latest value for the specified metric.
series An array of data values for the specified metric.
all Metric metadata plus the data values.

In addition to fetch, other parameters are respected:

Parameter name Required/Default Meaning
metric Yes The name of the metric to fetch. This is specified when you define a recipe.
token Yes This is the read token for your Dash application.
window No/1 hour

This specifies the time window to use when fetching results.

1 hour
12 hours
24 hours
48 hours
1 week

Due to the way Dash stores metrics, you will receive between 48 and 60 data points. This means that each data point represents a progressively longer interval. For example, when you pull one hour of data, each point represents one minute of data. When you pull 12 hours of data, each point represents 15 minutes of data. Dash will return zero-padded results if there isn't enough data to completely populate the specified window.

The Dash response object

The Dash API returns a JSON object. When the fetch parameter is latest or series, this object is filtered before your callback function is called. When you specify all, you will get the raw object.

Attribute name Description
metric The human-friendly description of the metric.
app The name of the application this metric belongs to.
data An array of two-tuples. Each entry in the array is a data point. The tuple is of the form [timestamp, metric value].
unit A label for the units of the fetched metric. For example, cpu is in "%", vsz (virtual memory size) is in kilobytes, etc.


FiveRuns Development Team (


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